Where to find cheap moving boxes

1. Check with local retailers, such as grocery stores, liquor stores, and appliance stores. These stores often receive shipments in large boxes that they are willing to give away for free. You can also check with smaller, independent stores in your area.

2. Ask friends and family members who have recently moved if they have any boxes they no longer need. They may be willing to give them to you or sell them at a discounted rate.

3. Look for free boxes on online marketplaces, such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace. You can also try searching for “free moving boxes” on these sites to see if anyone in your area is giving away boxes.

4. Check with local moving companies or storage facilities. These businesses often have a supply of used boxes that they are willing to sell at a discounted rate.

5. Consider purchasing new moving boxes from a company that specializes in selling moving supplies. These companies often offer bulk discounts and can provide a wider range of box sizes and styles to choose from. You can search online for moving box suppliers in your area to find the best prices.4.
If you’re willing to put in a little extra effort, you can also try finding free boxes from local businesses that receive shipments in large boxes. For example, try contacting furniture stores, electronics stores, or large retail chains to see if they have any boxes they are willing to give away.

Overall, the key is to be proactive and explore all your options. With a little bit of effort, you should be able to find cheap or free moving boxes that will help you with your move.



Moving Sizes